Case Goods Management: Feature Overview


Create Case Goods Inventory

InnoVint tracks your Case Goods inventory as individual lots. A Case Goods lot shares a unique set of attributes, much like a Fruit lot or Juice/Wine lot - eg bond, tax class, stage, tags, etc. A Case Goods lot also includes attributes for bottle format, bottles per case, and cases per pallet. The volume contained in a Case Good lot will be reflected in Section B of the TTB Report for the associated bond. 

There are 3 ways to create a new Case Goods lot:

  • Within a bottle action
    InnoVint tracks production seamlessly from your bulk wine inventory through bottling to Case Goods. Create and fill a new Case Goods lot within a Bottle task in a work order or Bottle direct action. Learn more about the Bottle task and action here.
  • via 'Add Case Good lot'
    Create an individual Case Goods lot from the 'Add lot' interface. Go to the Case Goods Explorer (click on 'Case Goods' in the left-side navigation bar) and click on the blue Add Case Good lot button in the top right corner. Learn more about adding new lots here.
  • via 'Lot Import'
    Onboarding more than a few Case Goods lots? Or creating a Case Goods lot with a complex composition? The Lot Import action allows you to create one or more Case Goods lots through a .csv upload. Learn more about Lot Import here.

If creating a Case Goods lot outside of a Bottle action (ie via 'Add Case Good lot' or 'Lot Import'), you'll need to fill your lot with volume. To do this, go to the lot details page, click on Record action in the top right corner, and select Volume Adjustment from the dropdown list. If you're establishing Case Goods inventory in InnoVint for the first time, then be sure to select Onboarding as the reason. Learn more about onboarding Case Goods lots here, or how to record a volume adjustment for Case Goods here.

Case Goods Explorer and Lot Details Pages

The Case Goods Explorer provides an overview of all active Case Goods lots, and allows you to quickly see your inventory and filter by lot code or name, bottle format, composition, tags, etc.

Each row of the Case Goods Explorer corresponds to a unique Case Goods lot, displaying pertinent details and on hand inventory. You can manage your Case Goods lots in bulk or add a new Case Goods lot by clicking on the blue buttons in the top right corner.

Clicking on a row within the Case Goods Explorer will take you to the specific lot details page. The lot details page provides a more in-depth look at your lot attributes, as well as lot history, analysis, composition, packaging information, and a detailed cost breakdown (if Costing is activated). You can also record direct actions from this page, as well as edit lot attributes and properties.

Recording actions on Case Goods lots

InnoVint provides several options for recording data and movements on Case Goods lots. You can record analysis data, transfer inventory between lots, add packaging, and receive, ship out, or taxpay case goods

Tracking Shiners in InnoVint

Unlabeled Case Goods, commonly referred to as 'shiners', can be easily tracked in InnoVint via stages. Similar to Juice/Wine lots, stages do not have compliance implications, but do help you and your team track a wine's lifecycle from grape to bottle... and now through case goods to taxpaid! You can select the 'Shiner' lot stage when creating a Case Goods lot, or edit the stage from the lot details page. Using stages to track shiners allows you to filter and sort the Case Goods Explorer to view and export your shiner inventory.

If you have a Case Goods lot that is partial shiners, we recommend creating separate lot codes to track the different stages. As you add labels (via the Add Packaging action), you can transfer those cases from the shiner lot to the labeled lot. When all cases are finally labeled, you can archive the empty lot that previously held the shiners. Labeling all your shiners at once? Simply edit the stage on the existing lot.

Packaging and Costing for Case Goods

InnoVint's Dry Goods and Costing features transition seamlessly into Case Goods.

Packaging added within a Bottling action is automatically tracked with the Case Goods lot, where you can view all Packaging items added to the lot with a breakdown of used vs scrap, as well as the costs associated with each packaging batch. Any additional packaging added after bottling (eg adding labels to shiners) is also tracked as part of the lot packaging history.

After Bottling, the Case Good lot's starting cost begins with the finished goods cost of the bottled wine lot. Cost items can be added to Case Goods in the same way they are added to Juice/Wine lots, and can help you track additional costs for storage or freight among other cost categories. Any transfers of Case Goods between lots, or removal from inventory, is also tracked as part of the lot cost history.

Remove Case Good Inventory

Once created, case goods remain in your inventory and are tracked on your compliance reporting until they are removed. 

There are 3 actions available within the Case Good module to remove a Case Goods lot from your inventory. To find these actions, go to the lot details page, click on Record action in the top right corner, and select one of the following:

  • Volume Adjustment (Case Goods) action
    InnoVint allows you to manually adjust on-hand case good volumes with various reasons that directly map to TTB Reporting. These reasons are: "Taxpaid wine returned to bond"; "Used for tasting"; "Removed for export"; "Removed for family use"; "Used for testing"; "Breakage"; "Bottled wine dumped to bulk"; and "Inventory shortage". 
  • Remove Taxpaid (Case Goods) action
    Use this specific action to automatically trigger population of the TTB Report, remove case good volume, and change the lot stage to "Taxpaid". 
  • via a B2B Transfer Out (Case Goods) action
    Record the movement of case goods volume out of your bond to a different bonded location. InnoVint does not currently support transfers between bonds within a winery, or between InnoVint wineries.   

Case Goods Reporting: Compliance and Taxpaid

InnoVint tracks all case goods movements and volume adjustments to accurately complete Part I, Section B of the TTB 5120.17 report. Case Goods actions that affect this section of the 5120.17 include the following:

  • Bottling
  • Volume Adjustment - Case Goods
  • Remove taxpaid
  • B2B Transfers (Case Goods)
  • Dumped to Bulk
Learn more about how InnoVint populates the TTB 5120.17 report here

Track all 'Remove taxpaid' actions within a date range by exporting the Taxpaid Report, available in the Report Explorer.


Check out the InnoVint Academy from the Case Goods Management release here: