This article covers:
How to create new Lots (Juice/Wine)
To begin, go to the Lot Explorer by clicking on Lots in the left navigation bar. Click on + Add Lot in the top right corner. Enter each wine lot one by one, working through all the fields. (To create multiple lots at once, use the Lot Import option - learn more here.)
Note: Unless you're starting up right before or during harvest, all of your lots will be Juice/Wine Lots or Case Goods lots, not Fruit Lots. If you prefer to enter all historical actions on your lots, please contact for further guidance.
New Juice/Wine Lot Attributes
Bond If there is more than one bond in the account, select the correct bond from the dropdown. **wineries outside the U.S.A will not see this field
Lot code Enter a lot code. The Lot Code is the alphanumeric code (eg 14PNSC). InnoVint accepts numbers, letters, dashes (-), and underscore (_). The system will not accept character accents such as ü in Gewürztraminer or ã in Tinto Cão.
Lot name (optional) Enter a lot name. The Lot Name is text that makes it visibly easy to identify lots (eg Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir).
Lot color Select a lot color from the list.
Lot style Select a wine style from the list - still or sparkling.
Tax Class Lots being onboarded or transferred in need to be declared with a tax class. If a lot is still going through fermentation, the lot can be set to "Fermenting Juice", or if you are onboarding juice prior to fermentation or that will not be fermented, the lot can be set to "Sweetening Juice." **wineries outside the U.S.A will not see this field
Note: As of 1/1/18, tax classes <14% and 14-21% have been replaced with <16% and 16-21%. See our article on changes due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Stage Stages are helpful to generally classify where wines are in their cellar lifecycle. You can view lots by stage in reports, and filter by stage in the Lot Explorer. Stages have no bearing on compliance reports.
Owners (must have the Owner-based Permissions add-on activated) Select an owner from the dropdown.
Tags (optional) Learn more about how to use tags in InnoVint.
How to create new Lots (Case Goods)
Go to the Case Goods Explorer by clicking on Case Goods in the left navigation bar. Click on + Add Case Good lot in the top right corner. Enter each lot one by one, working through all the fields. (To create multiple lots at once, use the Lot Import option - learn more here.)
New Case Goods lot attributes
Bond If there is more than one bond in the account, select the correct bond from the dropdown. **wineries outside the U.S.A will not see this field
Format Select the bottle format from the dropdown list.
Bottles/case Enter the number of bottles per case. If your case goods lot is in a large or non-bottle format (eg Balthazar bottles, kegs, etc.) enter 1 for bottles/case. InnoVint uses this value to calculate the total bottles when the number of cases is entered in an action.
Cases/pallet Enter the number of cases per pallet. If you case goods lot is not stored on pallets, enter 1 for cases/pallet. InnoVint uses this value to calculate the total cases when the number of pallets is entered in an action.
Lot code Enter a lot code. The Lot Code is the alphanumeric code (eg 14PNSC). InnoVint accepts numbers, letters, dashes (-), and underscore (_). The system will not accept character accents such as ü in Gewürztraminer or ã in Tinto Cão. Case Goods lots will automatically have the CG- prefix added to the lot code.
Lot name (optional) Enter a lot name. The Lot Name is text that makes it visibly easy to identify lots (eg Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir).
Tax Class Lots being onboarded or transferred in need to be declared with a tax class. **wineries outside the U.S.A will not see this field
Note: As of 1/1/18, tax classes <14% and 14-21% have been replaced with <16% and 16-21%. See our article on changes due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Lot color Select a lot color from the list.
Lot style Select a wine style from the list - still or sparkling.
Stage Stages are helpful to generally classify where case goods are in their lifecycle. You can view lots by stage in reports, and filter by stage in the Case Goods Explorer. Stages have no bearing on compliance reports.
Sparkling Check this box if the lot is a sparkling wine lot.
Owners (must have the Owner-based Permissions add-on activated) Select an owner from the dropdown.
Tags (optional) Learn more about how to use tags in InnoVint.
New Lot Composition:
In the Composition section, notice that the Vineyard and Block/Varietal drop downs pull directly from your vineyards. Every fruit or wine source must be in the Vineyard Explorer for this reason. If you realize at this point you've forgotten one, you can always open up a new tab in Chrome and add a vineyard, then come back and refresh this screen.
Note that you can add blend compositions here, adding multiple components as long as they add up to 100%.
If you have a lot where the components are unknown, or if you want to track a lot by less specific components (such juice or wine received as bulk, press wine or lees, etc) please use this article to create the lot using "bulk components", or else follow the instructions in this article to create the lot with vineyard components.
NOTE: InnoVint tracks composition based on lot code and not by vessel, therefore if you have a lot with multiple vessels and only one of these vessels is changing composition, but the remainder will stay the same, please move this vessel into a new lot code before the addition of the new component. Use the "Split Lots" workflow in this article. Contact if you have additional questions.
Do you want to create more than 1 lot at a time? Read more here about how to import lots via .csv file.
Q. How do I add a lot that is non-vintage?
A. InnoVint currently only supports numbers in the vintage field, so you cannot use "NV". Our recommendation is to input an old vintage that would very much be incorrect. For example, 1999, 1950, or even 1800! Use this as your standard "vintage" for non vintage wines moving forward. Make sure to include NV or non-vintage in the lot code or lot name for further clarity.
Q. How can I enter my historical records on these lots?
A. Our recommendation is to add all your historical records as a photo note on the Lot details page. You can easily attach a screengrab or photo of historical actions here. Alternatively, you can enter historical actions as a Custom Action on the lot and change the title to reflect the action. Be mindful that this is not tied to any vessels or specific volumes.
Q. Do I add my taxpaid case good lots into InnoVint?
A: While it is possible to track taxpaid case goods in InnoVint, the Case Goods Management module is optimized to manage bonded case goods in on-site inventory, within a single bond. Generally, when case good inventory is removed taxpaid from InnoVint, the inventory is also transferred out of InnoVint. If you would like to consider tracking taxpaid or off site case goods, please reach out to for options.