6/6/2024 Product Update: Appellation-Varietal chart, multi-lot B2B tasks, COGS lot type filters and more!

Check out our many new releases over the past weeks! Want to skip around? Here are a few highlights, but there is a lot to unpack and I'd recommend taking some time to scroll and check out which improvements might be most powerful for you! We've added Appellation by Varietal charts, Lot Type filters to enhance COGS usability, more efficiencies for B2B shipping & BOL generation, updates to InnoApp for our hardcore mobile (and Sparkling!) users, and a grab bag of performance and functionality improvements.


All product updates through June 6, 2024 include:

Appellation by Varietal is here!

In your Lot details and Case Good lot details composition tabs, you can now see the total appellation-varietal composition chart.  This chart is visible when your lot contains at least one vineyard-varietal component. 

*Please note that this chart will not work for lots created with bulk components. 

Making COGS Tracking even better...

Lot Type filter added for COGS Tracking!

Find this new filter in the Add/Remove Costs action, the Lot Cost Report and the Cost Over Time Report. It's now a breeze to get those case goods out of the way when you need to apply overhead, or want to see your bulk wine costs:

  • Did you notice we moved your tags in the lot picker so you can see them more easily? 

For the Add/Remove Costs lot picker, the Lot Cost report and the Cost Over Time Report, the Lot Type filter will always default to Juice/Wine Lots (bulk wines), but this is a multi-select filter, so you can always pick and choose lot types as needed!

Determining the Lot cost "tie-breaker"

Have you ever wondered about how InnoVint orders cost distribution if a cost action is entered with the same "effective at" date and time as an action moving volume out of the same lot? We did! And verified that the correct order of cost application (for one or more cost actions or movements occurring with the exact same effective date and time) is according to the actual time of action submission (the date and time of data entry).  

If you are backdating cost actions and movement actions to the same date/time, be sure that cost items are entered first. 

Making life easier

    It's easier to ship lots and print BOLs in bulk!

    • A brand new Print Bill of Lading button will display at the top of a work order if at least one B2B Transfer Out task or Transfer (Inter-Facility) task exists in the work order.  If you have more than one bond transfer out task, then this button also automatically generates a multi lot BOL, including every lot involved in a B2B Transfer Out or Transfer (Inter-facility) task on the work order.
    • It gets better!  If you are shipping multiple lots on a single work order, you can now "bulk generate" these B2B tasks. Just multi select your outbound lots in a single B2B Transfer Out task at work order creation:


    InnoApp Improvements

    • We've added a new "magic search" function for empty vessels. Our vessel search field in InnoApp previously only returned vessel or lot codes. Now, if you are looking for empty vessels, you've got more options:
      • Typing in "EMPTY" & "MT" will return all empty vessels (regardless of type)
      • Include the vessel type to search for empty vessels of a specific type, i.e. Barrel, Keg or Tank: "KEG EMPTY" "KEG MT" "EMPTY KEG" or "MT KEG"  

    • For our users with Sparkling activated, InnoApp now supports the Bottle en Tirage task!

    Lot and Vessel Labels have additional field options!

    • Lot labels can now include Intended Use if that feature is enabled in your account. Select from eight fields to print on your labels. 
    • We've updated the vessel QR code layout to allow users to select vessel attributes that can print on these labels.  Find out more about our vessel QR code labels here

    Ability to set your Homepage

    Did you forget that you have a few options to personalize your InnoVint display preferences?  We've also opened up these preference settings to our Read Only users.  Get where you want to go faster.

    Check out Display Preferences in your Settings, where we've just added a new capability to set the first page you see at login: choose from the traditional Dashboard, the COGS Tracking Explorer, the Lot Explorer, the Report Explorer, Vineyard Explorer or Winery Activity Feed! 


    Improving functionality & changing the way you work in InnoVint

    Changes to Ending Volumes in tasks and work orders

    We've changed the way you can record vessel volumes in Transfer-type direct actions (these include Transfer, Barrel Down, Rack, Top Off, Filter, Transfer (inter-facility) and Bottle en Tirage). You will no longer be able to enter the added or removed volume in direct actions, and will now only specify the ending fill on vessels.

    This allows us to support Requested Add/Remove Volume capability in the related work order tasks. In the long run, this change helps InnoVint better understand the intent of you, our user, i.e. did you want to remove 25 gallons from Tank A, resulting in it now having 50 gallons, or did you want to reduce the final volume of Tank A to 50 gallons, removing whatever amount is necessary. This change makes action edits better too!

    More performance improvements are always in the works!

    • We are working to improve performance and load speed for many pages across the platform.  One way we do this is by "paginating" reports that you see on screen.  Some reports recently updated are the Fruit Intake Report, the Inventory at Point in Time Report, and the Lot details page/Additions tab. 
    • We've improved the load time for your "Losses this Month" card in the dashboard:
    • Having a busy harvest week? The Harvest Launchpad will now load faster than ever, and also display owner tags!
    • Notice anything different about the Stability and Aging Report? It's in the same place, but the report has been updated with our custom reporting features.  This makes it super fast and editable!  You can now edit columns, set filters and change parameters on this report seamlessly - including adding the trend line! Please note that you cannot save over the default display, which mimics the original report. 

    More Filters!

    We've added "Block" as a filter to the Fruit Intake Report, to allow you to more easily view and report on specific vineyard block totals. You must first select a Vineyard, and can then select one or more vintages to get a deeper understanding of your harvest results!



    • It was annoying... and we've gotten rid of the extra blank page printing with the Summarized work order print view!
    • You might see some changes, because we've done some housekeeping on the Sparkling module:
      • For the relevant tirage lots, you'll now see vessel pickers pre-filtered for tirage bin vessels in the Disgorge, Dosage & Package action, and in the Bottle en Tirage action (and work order task)
      • Within all actions where tirage bin vessels are selected, the Show capacities values will correctly display the total bottle capacities of tirage bins 
      • Bulk input for "Ending fill"  will work for tirage bin vessels (i.e. you can now bulk fill a number of bottles).