Custom Reports

The future of InnoVint reporting is here! This is flexible, powerful reporting that allows you to group and filter your lots, much as you could using Excel. Customize and save multiple views on screen as personalized lot data sets. See just the information that you want to see.

Custom reporting provides a new type of lot report that will build advanced reports on lots across all your winery accounts, and pull in all types of data (chosen by you!), including analysis and cost! 

Want to be able to save unlimited reports? Reach out to about upgrading your subscription!

This article includes:

Overview Video

Getting Started

How to Build Your Report

Choose Columns

Sort and Filter your Columns

Grouping your Data

I've got my report built - now what?

Save your report

Favorite your report

Export your report

Available Columns & Filters


Overview Video


Getting Started

You can find Custom Reports in the Report Explorer, in the center column. 

If you get an error trying to create a new report in the Custom Reports column, then your account may be restricted to saving three Custom Reports.  Each one of the default reports can be customized and re-used as many times as you need, so start with these!

Find out how to upgrade to more saved reports by clicking on +New Report. Or contact us at

Custom Reporting automatically pulls all lot data from any winery that you have user access to (this is all wineries appearing in your dropdown menu). Data refreshes in near real time.

Start with one of our preset reports, then personalize it and save only what you want to see! Users with unlimited reports can also start by clicking on +New Report. 

After loading a report (default or new), you'll see a template column layout, similar to below: 

How to Build your Report

Don't care about Lot Stage? Want to see Lot Color, and only your red lots? Is Tax Class immaterial to the analysis data you are looking for? Want to see only lots that you consider ML+ at a specific threshold? This is all possible with Custom Reporting.

Choose Columns

Choose and organize your desired columns using the column selector on the right hand menu.

  • Check or uncheck a box next to the column name to hide or show a column.
  • Use the carets to the left of a column checkbox in order to reveal even more options. Find all available columns (and their filter functions) listed here.
  • Change column order by dragging and dropping column headers within the report, or via the column selector - just grab the dot square to the left of the column name in the menu.
  • Pin columns to one side of your report, or autosize them, by hovering over the column header and clicking on the three horizontal lines to see the column header menu:

Want to know how recent your data is? Add the "Refreshed at" column to see the date and time that data was added for each row. 

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Sort and Filter your Columns

Within any set of columnar data, you can sort or filter results.

  • Sort a single column in ascending or descending order by clicking on the desired column header (just like in our regular reports and explorers). Once you sort by column, you'll see the arrow designating the sort order.  Change or Remove the sort order by clicking on the arrow again. 
  • Utilize dynamic filters  by clicking on the filter icon next to any column header...

    ... OR via the righthand filter selector. Filters will be summarized at the top of the report:
  • The filter options for numerical and date values also include new helpful operational search functions such as: greater than/equal to, text strings, and multi-select:

We have many analysis types included in your column options.  Choose to include analyses, and you can filter or sort by those results too!

Click again on either "Column" or "Filter" in the righthand navigation menu to collapse the menu and get more space to see your report.

Quickly remove filters by hovering over the filter summaries in the report header, and clicking on the red X.

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Grouping Your Data

Use Custom Reporting to group and summarize data for you, much like a pivot table in Excel (but without the Excel!). 

  • Group rows of data by column headers, such as Winery, Color, Tax Class, Style, etc, by dragging the desired column header down into the Row Groups section at the bottom of the Column selector.
  • The descending order of columns in this "Row Group" space will define the data groupings. For example, if the grouped column headers are listed in the order Vintage > Color, then color totals will be grouped by vintage in the report.

If grouped column headers are listed in the order Color > Vintage, then vintage totals will be grouped by color in the report.

Change the grouping order by clicking on the grid next to the column header name in the row group area, and dragging the header where you want it:

  • Use the carets on summarized groups to reveal or collapse the data subsets and line items.

You cannot group by certain fields, such as Owner, Tags, Intended Use or Analyses.

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I've got my report built - now what?

Save your report

Once you have your preferred format and organization, you can save the layout for next time. 

If you've modified an existing report, an asterisk (*) will show next to Save report *, to remind you that you've made unsaved changes.

Click on Save report, and the changes you've made will automatically save over the existing report name. 

Go to the More menu in order to:

  • Edit the name and description (displays in the ⓘ hover), of the current open report
  • Save as new report this new saved version defaults to save as the existing report name (2), i.e. a modified Lots report saved as a new report would save as Lots 2. Re-open the new report and use the Edit name and description option to update the report name.
  • Revert to saved version, and undo any changes made to an existing report.   
  • Delete an unwanted report. Deleted reports cannot be recovered. 

Reports are saved at the Winery level. So, if you have access to multiple wineries, you will find any saved layout within the Winery where you created it. 

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Favorite your report

While any saved report is saved at the Winery level (i.e. any user at the winery can view or access another report created by another user), individual users may easily add a Custom report to their Favorites. 

  • Favorites are saved at the User level - only you will see your Favorite list. 
  • Favorite a report by clicking on the star next to the report in either the Report Explorer, or in the header of the actual report.
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Export your report

InnoVint will export the report as you see it on the screen in a .xlsx or numbers file that retains the formatting. This is the first InnoVint export that isn't a .csv file!

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Available Columns

Too many to look through? The column picker has a search field to make it easier!

  • Winery (multi-select)
  • Lot Code
  • Lot Name
  • Color (multi-select)
  • Contents (filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to")
  • Volume (filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to")
  • Weight (filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to")
  • Vessels (ability to filter by Type/capacity)
  • Bond (multi-select)
  • Owners (multi-select)
  • Stage (multi-select)
  • Style (multi-select)
  • Tax Class (multi-select)
  • State Alcohol Category (multi-select) 
    • Categorizes lots by relevant alcohol reading into <14%, 14-16%, >16%, or no value 
  • Varietal (multi-select)
  • Vintage (multi-select)
  • Appellation (multi-select)
  • Tags (multi-select)
  • Last Action (includes optional sub columns)
    • Effective at (filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to")
    • Action Type (multi-select)
  • First Filled (includes optional sub columns)
    • Effective at (filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to")
    • Action Type (multi-select)
  • Last Topping (filter by date comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to")
  • Last Sulfur Add (filter by date comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to")
  • First Barrel Down (filter by date comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to")
  • Intended Use/Intended Use summary (multi-select & comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to")
  • Analyses (all types utilized in your account)
    • Also includes a "Relevant Alcohol - REL ALC" column, which will pull any alcohol & etOH result (Alcohol, Ethanol, Ethanol at 60F, or Ethanol at 20C)
    • Sub column options to include (all allow filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to"):
      • Value
      • Effective at
      • Performed on (Individual Vessel or Lot Composite)
      • Source
      • Trendline (see your graph of analyses over time!)
  • Vintage % (multi-select vintage and then filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to" for percentage)
  • Varietal % (multi-select variety and then filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to" for percentage)
  • Appellation %  (multi-select appellation and then filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to" for percentage)
  • COGS (multi-select optional columns and then filter by comparison operators such as "greater/less than" or "equal to" for cost categories)
    • Total Cost
    • Cost/Unit
    • All InnoVint Cost Categories, with Packaging Scrap
    • Shrinkage (Removed)
    • Bulk Out (Removed)
    • Bottled (Removed)
  • Refreshed at
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Q: Why does my lot show "Blend" as varietal?

A: Unlike the main Lot Explorer in InnoVint, which displays a lot as a specified vintage or variety  if ANY percentage of that vintage or varietal is contained in the blend, Custom Reports only displays a specific vintage, varietal or appellation in the appropriate column if the lot meets the US legal threshold (75%).

For example, if you are filtering for Cabernet Sauvignon lots, using the Varietal column this report will only show your 75%+ Cab lots.  If you want to see your 2022 lots, Custom Reports won't show you that 2021 lot where you topped out 0.02% leftover 2022 wine. 

Any lot with less than a 75% threshold for vintage, variety or appellation will display "Blend" in that column. 

You can also view the actual percentage of any vintage, variety or appellation, using the Vintage%, Varietal% and Appellation% column headers.


Q: Who can see the saved reports?

A: Any saved report is visible to all users in the winery.  Custom Reports are saved at the Winery level, so if you save a report while working in Winery A, when you log into Winery B as the same user, you will not see that same saved report. 

Data within your report is subject to normal owner permissions. 


Q: Can I export my report?

A: Yes! InnoVint will export the report as you see it on the screen in a .xlsx or numbers file that retains the formatting. 


Q: Why can't I see my case good lots?

A: Custom Reports do not currently include case good lots, fruit lots, or archived lots.


Q: Why can't I see my vessel code?

A: If your lot is in more than one vessel, we will group and display the count of each vessel type next to its icon, i.e. 30 barrels, 2 kegs. If your lot is in a single vessel, you will see the vessel code next to the icon, and also be able to click on it in order to link to the Vessel details page in a new tab.

The export will also display either the single vessel code or total count if more than one. 


Q: How often does my data refresh?

A: Data shown when you load a Custom Report is as close to real-time as we can make it, and new data usually shows up within 30 seconds after you’ve recorded it. Due to the complexity of winery operations, however, some data updates may take longer.

Each row now has a “Refreshed At” column which shows when the data in that row was last added to your report. You can turn this column on or off in your reports.

If there’s data that you’re noticing is out of date or not refreshing when you need it to, please let us know by contacting support at


Q: My report just needs ONE MORE column of data! Can I request more columns that don't exist?

A: We want you to get the answers you need, and are happy to entertain requests for more types of data in this report.  Reach out to us at  and let us know what's missing!

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