Best Practices to Bring Inventory up to Current

Whether you took a break or simply got too busy, it's easy to bring your data back up to current in InnoVint.

Short time away

If you stepped away for just a few weeks or during a time of low activity in the winery, then please continue data entry right where you left off. You can find the last recorded action in your Winery Activity Feed report. Continue entering actions chronologically from oldest to newest. 

Catch up on any new product releases that happened while you were away!

Long time away

If it's been a little longer, a couple of months or more, then we recommend the following:

Step 1: For lots that were already in InnoVint, either record a Process Fruit to Volume, Bottle, B2B Transfer Out, Transfer, or a Volume Adjustment action to bring the lots to their current fill level and correct vessels.
  • If these lots are no longer active, please record one of the above actions to bring the volume to 0 gal and then archive them.
  • If these lots still exist in your inventory, be mindful if their composition may have changed since you were last in InnoVint (due to topping, blending, etc). If the composition has changed (or changed dramatically), we recommend recording a Volume Adjustment to 0 gal and then creating a new lot with the correct composition, and then recording a Volume Adjustment to fill the new lot.
  • Verify that the lots still in inventory are in the correct vessels. It may be necessary to record some Transfer actions to move them into the correct vessels.
  • Confirm that the lot tax class and stage are correct. Update these from the lot details page.
Step 2: Add any new lots and fill them with volume
Step 3: Update your vessel and vineyard inventory (optional)
  • Please add any new vessels or vineyards to the system
  • For any vessels or vineyards no longer used, please archive them
Step 4: Update your dry goods inventory (optional)
  • For all additives currently in the system, update the on hand amount to current inventory levels by either recording a depletion or adjusting on hand.
  • Add new additives or packaging items in inventory using the "+Receive Additive," "+Receive Packaging" or "Receive more" buttons in the Dry Goods Explorer
    • Set up this inventory *prior* to recording any additions or bottle actions.
  • You may want to select a certain date to backdate all updates to such that everything starts fresh on the same date (ie backdate all updates to June 30th, so that all inventory is correct as of July 1st).
Once you've completed the setup above, congratulations, you’re now ready to return to recording activities and/or assigning digital work orders to your team! 🔥