Step 2: Add your vessels

Every juice/wine lot created in InnoVint needs to be filled into vessels. These vessels are tracked in your lot details page and in the Vessel Explorer.


This article covers:


To begin, go to the navigation bar on the left side of the page. Click on the vessels icon and then +Add Vessels in the top right.

Adding vessels (amphora, bins, carboys, eggs, kegs, steel drums and tanks)

Start by entering in your tanks and any other type of vessel you track - stainless drums, bins, kegs, carboys, eggs and amphora, with the exception of oak barrels and tirage bins. The barrels and tirage bins have slightly different data entry patterns. 

  1. Click on the icon for the type of vessel you'd like to add.
  2. In the Vessel Codes bar, type in the code for each vessel separated by a comma or a space. Accepted characters include A-Z (all capital letters), 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_). You can enter up to 100 codes at a time for vessels that share the same set of attributes.
  3. Enter the capacity for that particular group of vessels.
  4. Add any relevant tags.
  5. Click on in the bottom right corner to generate the vessels.

TIP: If you have your vessels in a spreadsheet, you can also copy and paste the vessel codes into the text field (limit 100 at a time.)

If you have activated our Owner-based permissions system, you will have the option to choose one or more owners to view and access the vessel details. Dependent on how your facility operates, you can also choose to make vessels global (everyone can view and access) or set no owner (only Admins can view and access). To apply one or more owner tags you will first need to set up your owner permissions and add owners to your account. Of course, you can always come back and add owner tags later.

Adding barrels

  1. From the Add Vessel page, click on the barrel icon.
  2. In the Vessel Codes bar, type in the code for each vessel separated by a comma or a space. Accepted characters include A-Z (all capital letters), 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
  3. Next, type in the capacity for your group of barrels.
  4. Select the Year First Used from the drop down list (required).
  5. The remaining attributes are all optional. You can leave all or some of them as N/A.
    • Barrel style includes Burgundy and Bordeaux options, as well as Puncheon and other sizes and styles
    • Wood/Forest does include wood origin headers of N/A, French oak, American oak, European oak, CBY, Hungarian oak, and French oak/Acacia. Both wood and forest are individual filters in the Vessel Explorer.  Screen_Shot_2021-05-25_at_1_05_30_PM
    • If you have additional barrel details to track, we recommend adding these as tags. 
    • Is there an attribute missing that you need from the drop downs? Reach out and let us know by clicking on 'Submit a Request' in the top right corner of any page in the Support Center or by emailing
  6. Finally, add any relevant tags, then click on in the bottom right corner.

TIP: If you have your barrels in a spreadsheet, you can also copy and paste the barrel codes into the text field (limit 100 at a time), or consider using the vessel import function.

TIP: If you are short on time to add all your barrel attributes, you can start with just the cooper and then come back and either individually or bulk update the remaining attributes. 

Adding tirage bins 

  1. From the Add Vessel page, click on the tirage bin icon.
  2. In the Vessel Codes bar, type in the code for each vessel separated by a comma or a space. Accepted characters include A-Z (all capital letters), 0-9, dash (-), and underscore (_).
  3. Next, select the bottle type that will be used for that particular group of tirage bins.
  4. Then, type in the capacity (# of bottles) for that particular group of vessels.
  5. Finally, add any relevant tags, then click on in the bottom right corner.

TIP: If you have your vessels in a spreadsheet, you can also copy and paste the vessel codes into the text field (limit 100 at a time) or consider using the vessel import function.

Importing Vessels via a CSV file

If you have many vessels to enter in at once, we recommend importing them via a CSV file. See this article for detailed steps. 


If you have activated our Owner-based permissions system, at vessel creation you will have the option to choose one or more owners to view and access the vessel details.

Dependent on how your facility operates, you can choose to make vessels global (everyone can view and access) or set no owner (only Admins can view and access).

To apply one or more owner tags you will first need to set up your owner permissions and add owners to your account. Of course, you can always come back and add owner tags later.

Up Next! Step 3: Add your lots