This article covers:
Depleting an additive or packaging batch
Additive and packaging batches can be depleted within an Addition or Bottle action or task...
Or from the product or batch details page.
By depleting a batch, it will be removed from additive or packaging selection dropdowns in Addition and Bottle actions and tasks. If a batch is depleted by mistake, or more of the batch is received into inventory, the batch can be undepleted at any time.
Note: If the batch contains on hand amount at the time that it is depleted (eg 1kg was remaining when depleted), undepleting the batch will return the on hand amount back to inventory. To set the on hand amount to 0 (zero), we recommend using the 'Adjust on hand' option. Depleted batches must be undepleted before any changes can be made to the on hand amount.
Want to archive a batch after depleting it? Find out more here.
Adjust on hand
The adjust on hand option can be used to make changes to on hand inventory - either adding or removing. Clicking the 'Adjust on hand' option in the product or batch details page will open a pop-up.
The on hand amount is pre-populated with the current on hand amount. Enter the corrected on hand amount and then click save to update.
Note: Adjusting the on hand amount of a batch does not change the amount received of the batch. It also does not change the cost per unit of the batch.