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How to create a Fruit Lot

Fruit lots in InnoVint are used to track vineyard and maturity analytics and are required to receive fruit during harvest. Depending on your vineyard allocations and how you sample and track your vineyard data, fruit lots can be representative of an entire block or multiple picks from the same block. For fruit that is not tracked prior to harvest, a fruit lot will still need to be created before receiving fruit.

To learn more about Fruit lots and how they differ from Juice/Wine lots in InnoVint, please see this article. 

How to create a Fruit Lot 

Creating fruit lots in InnoVint is very similar to creating juice and wine lots.

Go to the Lot Explorer in the left navigation bar. In the top right corner, click the Add Lot button.

  1. Select lot type: Fruit lot

  2. Set the Fruit Lot Composition

    • Percentage: fruit lots are always 100% from a single vintage, vineyard and block.
    • Vintage: the vintage defaults to the current year.
    • Vineyard: choose your vineyard from the drop-down menu.
    • Block/Varietal: choose your block to set the varietal for your fruit lot.

WARNING: Be sure to double check the composition attributes before creating a new fruit lot. Once you begin to record analysis and activities on a lot, it is not possible to change the vintage, vineyard, or block/varietal. These compositional pieces will follow your wines from the fruit lot through to bottling. If you find that you have made a mistake after clicking on , simply delete the lot and start over.


    3. New Fruit Lot Attributes

      • Bond: if your facility has more than one bond, select the bond that this fruit will fall under once received and processed.

      • Lot Code: Fruit lot codes are preceded with FL- to delineate fruit lots from juice and wine lots. InnoVint automatically generates a numerical code which you can choose to keep, or you can create a new code that is representative of the vineyard and block (the field is editable once a Vineyard and Block are selected):.
        Example: FL-18ZN-PTV-A would be a fruit lot for the 2018 harvest, the varietal is Zinfandel from Primitivo Vineyard, Block A.
        When the fruit is received and processed, you will have the option to keep this code or create a new one for your juice lot.
      • Lot Name (optional): you can use the Lot Name to further distinguish your fruit lots or for easier reference.
        Example: Let's say you have two planned picks for Block A in Primitivo Vineyard - an early pick and a late pick. If you are tracking these as separate fruit lots, you may want to name one fruit lot "Early Pick Zin", and the other "Late Harvest Zin" (Note: they will still each have unique lot codes - e.g. FL-18ZN-PTV-AE and FL-18ZN-PTV-AL.)
      • Expected yield: InnoVint assumes a default rate of 150 gal/ton (see metric default rates here) or you can set an expected yield per lot during fruit lot creation.
        ** Note: If you have set your expected yield per variety in Harvest Settings, that setting will override any number entered here. For more information on how to set expected yield per variety, see this article.**
      • Tags: as with all other inventory items in InnoVint, you can use tags to track and filter for proprietary attributes as needed.
      • Owner: If you have the Owner-based permissions system activated in InnoVint, you can choose one or more owners for each fruit lot, set it to global, or leave no owners.