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Fruit Lot Explorer

Want to find out more about what a Fruit Lot is and does? Check out our article on the difference between fruit lots and wine lots here.

This article covers:

Where to create Fruit Lots

How to find the Fruit Lot Explorer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where to create Fruit Lots

Fruit lots can be created:

  1. within a Receive Fruit action from the Vineyard Dashboard page 
  2. from the Fruit Lot Explorer using the "+ Add Fruit Lot" or "Receive Tonnage" buttons
  3. within a work order as a task

Need more help creating a Fruit Lot? Find out more here

How to find the Fruit Lot Explorer

Once you've created your Fruit Lots, you can find them in your Fruit Lot Explorer. To get there, go to your Vineyards tab > Vineyard Explorer.

At the top under the title bar, you will see your Fruit Lot Explorer tab. This shows all fruit lots whether they currently have contents or not.  Please note that the default view is for the current calendar year vintage - if you don't see the lots you are looking for, try checking the Vintage filter first. 

You can filter by Archived status, vintage, varietal, etc. This Explorer is also exportable. To find your weight tags associated with these fruit lots, visit the Fruit Intake Report in the Vineyards tab and learn more about that report here


 Q. I have tonnage remaining after harvest. How do I remove it? 

A. If there are tons still populating your Fruit Lot Explorer that should not be there, we recommend either recording a Fruit Weight Adjustment (if these are extra tons that were not processed) or deleting the Receive Fruit action (if the fruit was recorded in duplicate or error). Be sure to add any necessary notes. Be mindful that both of these actions do have implications for your TTB report.