The Dry Goods Batch Tracking feature provides detailed tracking of your additive and packaging batch inventory. Read on to learn more about how to navigate the feature and access all your important details.
This article covers:
- Dry Goods Explorer
- Product details page
- Batch details page
- Archiving and deleting dry goods products
- Archiving and deleting dry goods batches
- Frequently Asked Questions
Dry Goods Explorer
Accessible from the left-hand navigation, the Dry Goods Explorer can be pre-filtered to either Additives or Packaging.
The Dry Goods Explorer provides a list of all additives and packaging in inventory and allows you to filter by text field, category (Additive or Packaging), type, tag, owner (if applicable), and archived status.
Each row in the Dry Good Explorer corresponds to a unique product and displays the product name, type, on hand amount, the number of active batches, product notes, owners (if applicable) and tags. Click on 'Show costs' at the top to display the total cost on hand and average cost per unit (if applicable).
Click on a row to access the product details page.
New additives and packaging items can be added by clicking on either the '+Receive additive' or '+Receive packaging" buttons in the top right corner.
Product Details page
This view displays the additive or packaging product name at the top, along with options to archive, delete, edit, and receive more (top right corner).
A Details summary of the product properties includes the product type, on hand amount across all active batches, cost information, as well as manufacturer and default vendor. For additives, the addition rate and saved instructions can also be referenced. For packaging, the inventory units, items and default items/unit can also be referenced.
Tags and owners can be added here at the Product level.
A list of Batches displays all batches for the product along with some pertinent details such as the manufacturing batch ID, on hand amount, total cost (if applicable), as well as notes and tags.
Options to fully deplete/undeplete, archive/unarchive, and adjust on hand are available for batches depending on their status. Find out more about adjusting on hand quantity or depleting batches here. Batches may be archived here if they are fully depleted or have zero quantity. Hide or display your archived batches using the blue "Hide archived batches" option at the top right of the Batch list.
Products may be archived if all batches are fully depleted.
Click on the 'Details' link on the far right of a batch row to open the batch details page.
Batch Details page
The Batch details page displays the batch name at the top, with the product name shown just below. In the top right of the page is the option to Edit or Archive the batch, as well as Adjust on hand, Fully deplete, and Receive more.
A Details summary of the batch properties includes the on hand amount for the batch, cost information, total received, as well as manufacturer batch ID, and default vendor. For additives, this also displays the expiration date.
Tags can be added at the batch level, but Owner tags (and permissions) only apply at the Product level.
The Batch History is detailed on the right side of the page. Click on 'Details' on the far right to open an Action details page. The action history can be exported by click on 'Export' in the top right corner of the History card.
Archiving and Deleting Products
Dry good products can be archived if all batches have been fully depleted.
These products will no longer appear in drop-down menus of either Addition or Bottle actions, and by default are hidden in the Dry Goods Explorer.
The ability to filter for archived products is possible in the Dry Goods Explorer.
If a Product becomes active again, you can unarchive it via the Product details page. After unarchiving a Product, you are able to add a new batch, or even undeplete and receive more on an existing batch.
Dry good products can be deleted only if no actions have been performed on the product. If a Receive Dry Good action has taken place, it is not possible to delete a product, even if the Receive Dry Good action has been deleted.
In this case, we recommend either archiving the product, or repurposing the dry good product by editing all available fields into a usable product.
Archiving and Deleting Batches
Dry good batches can be archived if the batch is either fully depleted or has zero quantity. You can archive batches via the Product details page:
or, via the Batch details page:
The Adjust on hand and Receive more options will not appear in these pages when a batch is archived.
Archived Batches will no longer appear in the batch drop-down menus of either Addition or Bottle actions (although the Product will remain in an action's dropdown menu until the entire Product is archived). If a Batch becomes active again, you can unarchive it via the Batch details page in order to receive more on the batch.
View your archived batches using the "Show archived batches" button in the Product details page:
You will see the "Unarchive" button in a Batch row only if a batch is archived, and the "Undeplete" button only if the batch is depleted.
This holds true in the Batch details page: when a batch is archived, you only have an option to Unarchive or Edit; when a batch is depleted, you will see the options to Undeplete, Archive or Edit. Only when a batch is unarchived and undepleted will you have options to Adjust on hand or Receive more.
Dry good batches cannot be deleted. In this case, we recommend either archiving the batch, or else repurposing the Dry good batch by editing all available fields into a usable version.
Q. Why does my on hand inventory show a negative number?
A: A negative on hand inventory indicates that more additive was used of that batch than was received into the system. For example, 5kg of DV10 yeast, Batch # 12345 was entered into InnoVint as the Total Amount. Over the course of harvest, 6.2kg of DV10 yeast, Batch #12345 was used. InnoVint will show that Batch # 12345 now has an on-hand inventory of -1.2kg.
To update the on-hand inventory, you'll need to either A) edit the batch to change the total amount of the additive, or B) adjust the on-hand inventory from the Additive details page. Make sure to fully deplete a batch when it has been used up to avoid selecting a batch number that no longer exists in inventory for future additions.
Note: For accounts with the Costing feature activated, a negative batch inventory will still apply costs on a price-per-unit basis. For example, 5kg of DV10 yeast, Batch # 8675309 might cost $450, or $0.09 per gram. If Batch # 8675309 currently has a negative inventory and is selected and used in an Addition action, InnoVint will still calculate and apply the $0.09 per gram of yeast to the appropriate lot(s).