Analysis Import: Format Guidelines for csv file

Analysis data can be imported via a .csv upload using the "Analysis Import" action. This action is available in your Record Action menus.  Find out more about how the import action works here.

There are two different formatting styles available for import: the "original" Analysis Import template and the "modified" Analysis Import template. These templates are set up differently (rows versus columns for each type of analysis), so have a look at the two layouts, and pick the one that works for you based on the format in which you receive or record your lab results. 

Analysis results may be exported by laboratory equipment (e.g. FOSS, WineLab, etc.) or provided by outside laboratories in .csv or excel files. We recommend copying/pasting these results into the best fit InnoVint import template. For example, the "original" Analysis Import template is the ideal fit for the FOSS export. 

If you are creating your own spreadsheet for tracking in-house analysis,  we'd recommend starting with one of the templates at the bottom of this page to make it easy to import results. 

This article covers:

"Original" Analysis Import

Guidelines for importing analysis files via the original Analysis Import template: 

  • This is the template to use that most closely matches the data export from a FOSS. 
  • Files must be in the format as pictured here (i.e. analysis names across the top row and lot or vessel codes in the first column "ID"). 
    This is a good template to use when you are running a series of standard panels, i.e. you would keep one template copied for Juice panels, one for finished wine, one for monthly analysis panels, etc. 

    • The ID column header must match the format above, and may contain either lot or vessel codes.  The file may contain either lot codes OR vessel codes, but not both. You will be able to choose Lot Composite or Individual Vessels analysis once the file is uploaded. 
    • The analysis names in the headers must match those in the table below. This import only supports selected analyses types.
    • A date column is not required, but must be in the following format if used: MM/DD/YY. If dates are not entered on the import file, then all analyses will upload as of the date the action is submitted. The template will support a timestamp if included as MM/DD/YY 00:00 (using 24 hour time format).

Note: The  check box in the Analysis Import action will override all dates/times in the file if selected.

  • The analysis column headers of your .csv must match the accepted .csv analysis names  EXACTLY as they are listed in the table below. 
    • Pay close attention to the units associated with the accepted analysis names. If multiple units are accepted for an analysis type, i.e. mg/L or ppm, please include the desired units in the analysis header (per the table below). 
    • If the .csv column header does not match an accepted analysis type, the corresponding analysis in that column will be ignored. You will receive a warning pop-up if there is a matching issue. 
  • InnoVint does not currently accept less than (<) or greater than (>) analysis values.
  • If you are utilizing "special characters", such as the letter mu for micro (i.e. µS), be sure you are saving the file as CSV UTF-8. This is a special csv file type that supports more international characters (some csv files can't save them properly). 

Note: You can adjust your FOSS machine to output analysis names according to the table below. You will find instructions at the bottom of this page.


InnoVint Analysis Name Unit Accepted .csv Analysis Name
Brix ° Brix
Baume Baume
Balling Balling
Oechsle Oechsle
Density g/mL Density
Temperature ° Temperature
Temperature (°F)
Temperature (F)
Temp (°F)
Temp (F)
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (C)
Temp (°C)
Temp (C)
Alcohol % Ethanol


g/L Glucose+Fructose
Glucose+Fructose (g/L)
Glucose/Fructose (g/L)
Glu/Fru (g/L)
G+F (g/L)
G/F (g/L)
g/dL Glucose+Fructose (g/dL)
Glucose/Fructose (g/dL)
Glu/Fru (g/dL)
G+F (g/dL)
G/F (g/dL)
Glucose g/L Glucose
Glucose (g/L)
g/dL Glucose (g/dL)
Fructose g/L Fructose
Fructose (g/L)
g/dL Fructose (g/dL)
Residual Sugar g/L Residual Sugar
pH   pH
Total Acid g/L Total Acid
Total Acid (g/L)
g/dL Total Acid (g/dL)
Titratable Acidity g/L Titratable Acidity
g/100mL Titratable Acidity (g/100mL)
TA (g/100mL)
Tartaric Acid g/L Tartaric Acid
Tartaric Acid (g/L)
g/dL Tartaric Acid (g/dL)
Malic Acid g/L  Malic Acid
mg/L Malic Acid (mg/L)
Lactic Acid g/L Lactic Acid
Lactic Acid (g/L)
g/dL Lactic Acid (g/dL)
mg/L Lactic Acid (mg/L)
ppm Lactic Acid (ppm)
Gluconic Acid g/L Gluconic Acid
Acetic Acid g/L Acetic Acid
Acetic Acid (g/L)
ATA (g/L)
g/dL Acetic Acid (g/dL)
ATA (g/dL)
Volatile Acidity g/L Volatile Acid
Volatile Acidity
Volatile Acid (g/L)
Volatile Acidity (g/L)
VA (g/L)
g/dL or g/100mL Volatile Acid (g/dL) or (g/100mL)
Volatile Acidity (g/dL) or (g/100mL)
VA (g/dL) or (g/100mL)
Ammonia (NH3) mg/L Ammonia
Ammonia (mg/L)
ppm Ammonia (ppm)
Alpha-Amino Nitrogen g/L Alpha Amino
Nitrogen (NOPA) mg/L Primary Amino Nitrogen
Primary Amino Nitrogen (mg/L)
PAN (mg/L)
PAAN (mg/L)
NOPA (mg/L)
ppm Primary Amino Nitrogen (ppm)
PAN (ppm)
PAAN (ppm)
NOPA (ppm)
Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen mg/L Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen
Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (mg/L)
YAN (mg/L)
ppm Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (ppm)
YAN (ppm)
Potassium mg/L Potassium
Potassium (mg/L)
mmol/L Potassium (mmol/L)
Absorbance A280 AU OD 280
Color Absorbance at 280 nm
Absorbance - 280 nm
Absorbance at 280 nm
Absorbance A280
Absorbance A420 AU Color Absorbance at 420 nm
Absorbance - 420 nm
Absorbance at 420 nm
Absorbance A420
Absorbance A520 AU Color Absorbance at 520 nm
Absorbance - 520 nm
Absorbance at 520 nm
Absorbance A520
Absorbance A620 AU Color Absorbance at 620 nm
Absorbance - 620 nm
Absorbance at 620 nm
Absorbance A620
Free SO2 mg/L Free SO2
Free SO2 (mg/L)
FSO2 (mg/L)
ppm Free SO2 (ppm)
FSO2 (ppm)
Molecular SO2 mg/L Molecular SO2
Molecular SO2 (mg/L)
MSO2 (mg/L)
ppm Molecular SO2 (ppm)
MSO2 (ppm)
Total SO2 mg/L Total SO2
Total SO2 (mg/L)
TSO2 (mg/L)
ppm Total SO2 (ppm)
TSO2 (ppm)
Average Berry Weight g Average Berry Weight
Berry Volume mL/berry Berry Volume
Cluster Weight g Cluster Weight
Cluster Wt
Cluster Weight (g)
Cluster Wt (g)
oz Cluster Weight (oz)
Cluster Wt (oz)
lbs Cluster Weight (lbs)
Cluster Wt (lbs)
Average Cluster Weight g Average Cluster Weight
Avg Cluster Wt
Average Cluster Weight (g)
Avg Cluster Wt (g)
oz Average Cluster Weight (oz)
Avg Cluster Wt (oz)
lbs Average Cluster Weight (lbs)
Avg Cluster Wt (lbs)
Extract g/L Extract (g/L)
Total Polyphenols g/L Total Polyphenols (g/L)
Conductivity µS Conductivity (µS)
% Conductivity (%)
Conductivity (Davis) % Conductivity (Davis)
Cold Stable % Cold Stable (%)
Heat Stability NTU Heat Stability Check (NTU)
NTU Heat Stability Check


Note: If your analysis type and/or unit do not currently exist for the Original Analysis Import template, contact to enquire about getting them added. 


Modified Analysis Import

Guidelines for importing analysis files via the modified Analysis Import template: 

  • This file format is ideal for importing analyses exported from InnoVint via the Recent Analysis Report or the Lot details All Analysis in a List export. It may also be useful for importing ad hoc analysis. 
  • Files must be in the format as pictured here (i.e. Date, Analysis Type, Value, Unit, and Performed On across the top header row, with a row per analysis result). If a column is not being used, leave it empty, but do not delete it.
    • All column headers are necessary for the upload to be successful. 
    • If you are using lot codes or vessel codes, the file may contain either lot codes or vessel codes in Column E - "Performed On," but not both in the same file. 

Note: The column headers must match the format above. The Date column must match the header as shown above and be the format MM/DD/YY. Links to template files are included at the bottom of this article. 

  • If no date is entered, then the current date and time of the "Analysis Import" action submittal will be entered. 

Note: The   check box in the Analysis Import action will override all dates in the file if selected.

  • All analyses that are available within InnoVint are accepted via this format. The analysis type and spelling must match the current format in InnoVint. Reference the list available via the Analysis action > +Add Analysis. If the analysis type exists with an alternative accepted name via the "original" Analysis Import table above, those will be permitted (i.e. Glu/Fru or G/F). You will receive a warning pop-up if there is a matching issue.Screen_Shot_2021-05-17_at_11_48_16_AM
  • Pay close attention to the units associated with the analysis names. Only units that are currently an option for that analysis type will be accepted. To view the units currently available per analysis, go to an Analysis action > add the desired analysis > click on the caret under units to see all available options. Be mindful that these are case sensitive (i.e. MG/L must be mg/L). 
  • If you are utilizing "special characters", such as the letter mu for micro (i.e. µS), be sure you are saving the file as CSV UTF-8. This is a special csv file type that supports more international characters (some csv files can't save them properly). 
  • InnoVint does not currently accept less than (<) or greater than (>) analysis values.


We've pre-populated a couple basic options for the "original Analysis import" template (one row per lot, with multiple analysis types and results in columns):

Here is the "modified Analysis import" template (one row per lot and per analysis result):

Find out how to adjust your FOSS output analysis names:


Q. I can't get my file to upload! What should I try? 

A. Please be sure to double check the following items:

  • All column headers match the accepted template versions
  • All analyses are spelled correctly and accepted per the version of import 
  • All analyses have the correct and accepted units
  • All analyses and units have the accepted capitalizations
  • No analyses values have " < "or " > "
  • All dates are formatted MM/DD/YY
  • Be sure you are uploading a .csv file (both "," and ";" are accepted delimiters)
  • Check to see if your csv file is CSV UTF-8 file type. This is a special csv type that supports international characters such as mu for for micro (i.e. µS - some csv files can't save these symbols properly) 

Q. Can I upload a .txt or .xls file instead?

A. Currently, we do not accept .txt or .xls files. 

Q. Can I export an analysis list from InnoVint and then re-import it back into another lot? 

A. Yes! If you have to split up a lot into two or if you are moving data from one InnoVint account to another, simply follow these steps:

  1. Export All analyses in a list (Lot details > Analysis tab > All analysis in a list).
  2. Open this file and reformat this export to match the above Modified Analysis Import by deleting the two header rows, then clear out the Performed On cells, and enter either the new Lot code or the new Vessel code in the Performed On column for every analyses entered. 
  3. If you have additional lots to import, cut and paste them from each export, and add them below the first set.
  4. Record an Analysis Import action.