1/20/2023 Release Notes: Multi-tare functionality for Harvest and Performance tweaks

Release notes from January 20, 2023 include:

New Features

Multi-tare functionality for Receive Fruit action (Advanced Fruit Receive)

Our users with Advanced Fruit Receive activated can now add a second tare weight for a Weighing Group. Check out the updated Receive Fruit Support Article here.  Add a second tare container to the same Weighing Group by clicking on "add container"in your Weighing Group. You can use this in conjunction with the "Custom tare container" to use a truck scale and add the truck weight, or try combining your saved tare containers, such as lugs and pallets, into a single weigh group.



Bulk volume adjustments are now available when completing Drain & Press tasks

Strange but true, this option didn't exist before! You can now bulk edit the vessel ending fills on the Drain and Press task at work order creation and completion. 

Improved Load time for Lot Details Analysis Page

Some users with large volumes of lot analysis data encountered slow loading of their Lot Analysis tabs in the Lot Details page, and we have improved this experience. 

Improved performance for Dry Goods batch adjustments

Users with large numbers of Dry Goods batches and addition actions should see improved performance when adjusting those Dry Goods batches. 

Improved submittal performance of work orders to reduce user lock-outs

Did you know that we "lock" other winery data entry while updating some lot data? This type of thing might happen and impact other users at your winery if you are submitting a work order with many tasks and lots that takes some time to submit. We have changed the way work orders submit to allow less lock out time, and improved accessibility for you and your team. 

Ability to include Lot Name in your Tank Maps vessel and hover labels

We've added the Lot Name as an optional viewable field on your Tank Maps.


ICV Oenological Laboratory added as an Analysis Source

Our users in the south of France now have the option to select this external lab when entering or importing analyses results. Find out more about Lab Sources here

Bug Fixes

  • Have you had some trouble making bulk edits via the Manage Case Goods button? You can now select Case Goods (CG) Lots as expected. 
  • The Lot Explorer totals went a bit funky for a day or two but the total volume and lot numbers are again displaying correctly.
  • Have you embraced the new bulk component Lot Creation option? Lots Created with Bulk Components are now properly supported by B2B-Within-Winery and B2B-to-another-InnoVint-Winery actions.