To access the Report Explorer, select the icon from the left-hand navigation menu. We've recently done some renovations and added some new features!
Getting Around
We've updated this explorer to help you keep what you need close at hand. You can now Favorite reports to keep your frequently accessed shortlist available in the new left-hand Favorite column.
In the middle column, explore and create our new Custom Reports! Find out more here!
Your normally available reports are all listed in the right-hand column - just scroll through to find what you need.
Can't find it, or don't want to scroll? Use the Search bar to text search on report name and description, even on any Custom and Analysis Reports you've named and saved.
Find all your available reports in the right-hand column - just scroll down, and click to access.
Hover over the "ⓘ" button to see the report description, and click the star to add a report to your favorite list. This moves it to the left-hand Favorites column.
Click on the caret to collapse the reports within each section:
The reports in the lefthand look like you might be able to drag and drop them, but you can't 😂 - you CAN drag and drop reports to re-order them within your Favorites and Custom Reports columns!
All your starred reports appear in the left-hand Favorite column. This column DOES let you drag and drop reports to order them as you prefer. Just hover until you see the three grey horizontal bars on the left side of the report bar, and move the reports into any order.
Want to update your favorites? Just click on the star again to remove it from your favorites ("you're dead to me 5120.17!!!").
Custom Reports
Last but NOT least, check out our brand new super customizable reports in the center column!
Everyone starts with at least one Custom Report, with a preset template layout: Lots. Depending on your subscription, you might see either only the Lot report template, or else two additional template report layouts (Lots with analyses and Lots grouped by winery and color) in your Custom Report column. These templates are here to help get you started with these reports, and can be edited and saved over at your discretion.
If your subscription limits you to a single saved report, you can just click straight into the Lots Report, and start working with the available columns and filters to create and save the report of your dreams.
If your subscription includes unlimited reports, you will see all three templates, and can create and save unlimited reports. Choose to either work from an existing template, or else start fresh by clicking on New Report.
Get in and start clicking! Or get more detailed information on using our Custom Reports [[here]].
Q: Does this apply to me or the winery?
A: All Custom Reports save to the winery, so all users will see the same reports. But, the drag & drop order of the Favorites column and your Custom Reports column are saved by user.
Q: I'm getting an error saving a new Custom Report!
A: There is currently a background limit of 200 saved Custom Reports - reach out to us at and we'll look for a solution with you!
Q: Why can't I see certain reports in my Report Explorer, such as the Inventory at Point in Time Report, the Vessel at Point in Time Report, and the Additive and Packaging History Reports?
A: Some reports, including those listed above, are only included with a Make - Plus subscription and will not display with a Make - Core subscription. If you'd like to upgrade your subscription, please reach out to