Session Timeouts

This article covers:


Session timeouts are live, starting on July 30 2024! 

The definition and purpose of session timeouts

Session timeouts are a security feature implemented in InnoVint to automatically terminate a user's session after a specific period of time. Session timeouts will apply to individual devices running InnoVint apps: the desktop app, InnoApp and TankMaps. 

The purpose of session timeouts is to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to a user's account when they are not actively using the system. By automatically logging out users on a regular basis, session timeouts help protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized individuals from taking advantage of an open session. Session timeouts help address the following security issues:

  1. Mitigating unauthorized access
  2. Preventing session hijacking
  3. Protecting sensitive data
  4. Enforcing access control policies
  5. Preserving system resources

Timeout duration

InnoVint has set session timeouts to occur every thirty (30) days. If a user has not logged out of the system before this thirty day period, the system will automatically log them out after giving a 15 minute warning. Users will then be redirected to the homepage where they can log back into the system. The session durations apply by device to our web app, the mobile app (InnoApp) and Tank Maps.

For example, if you log into Tank Maps on your computer on Monday, that starts a session.  On Tuesday, you log into InnoApp on your phone, that is a separate session on a second device. On Wednesday you log into the InnoVint desktop app on your computer. The desktop app will be using the same session as Tank Maps that started on Monday, so you are on the third day of that session.

If a user logs out of an InnoApp on a device prior to the thirty day mark, the session timeline will reset.

Consider logging out at the end of every week, and logging back in on Monday. This will allow you to control your session timing and never be automatically logged out!


Users will be informed of an impending timeout with a message showing on the browser 15 minutes prior to the timeout. Timeouts will happen exactly thirty weeks after a user logs into the system, so users can plan for this by noting the date and time of login, or logging out and back in prior to the timeout. 

Impact on unsaved data

Direct actions should be completed and work orders should be created before sessions are timed out as incomplete work will not be saved. Work orders should be assigned and created prior to timeout if using the Fermentation Management Worksheets. 

Users can always log out before their thirty day session to restart the clock if they are worried about losing unsaved data. 

Common issues and troubleshooting

If  you are experiencing session timeout issues, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:

  1. Check network connectivity: Ensure that you have a stable and uninterrupted internet connection. Session timeouts can occur if there are network disruptions or intermittent connectivity problems.

  2. Clear browser cache and cookies: Clearing the cache and cookies in the web browser can help resolve session-related issues. In some cases, outdated or corrupted browser data can interfere with session management.

  3. Try a different browser or device: If the session timeout issue is specific to a particular browser, the user can try accessing the system from a different browser or device to see if the problem persists. This can help identify if the issue is browser-specific.

  4. Disable browser extensions or plugins: Some browser extensions or plugins might interfere with session management. Temporarily disable any extensions or plugins and check if the session timeouts still occur.

  5. Disable firewall or security software: Overly restrictive firewall or security software settings can sometimes cause session timeout problems. Temporarily disable any such software and check if the issue is resolved.

  6. Contact support: If you have followed the troubleshooting steps above and the session timeouts persist, you should contact InnoVint support at Provide us with specific details about the issue, including any error messages or unusual behavior experienced.

  7. Provide system details: When contacting support, it can be helpful to provide information about your system configuration, including the operating system, browser version, and any relevant system settings. This information can assist our support team in diagnosing the problem more efficiently.