InnoApp: How to complete Topping and Top-Off

This article explains how to complete and submit Topping and Top-Off tasks in InnoApp:


  1. Select your work order and tap into the Task details:
  2. From the Task details page, you will be able to tap into "Lots to Top" lots to check off vessels,
    and tap into "Topping Wine" lots in order to edit lot vessels and volumes.
  3. A breakdown option is added. Tap into the "breakdown lot" in order to add breakdown vessels via search or scan. 
  4. Update all lot and vessel volumes, and then return to the Task details screen and tap Complete Task.
  5. If permissions are available, and the task is Complete, you will be able to Submit the task as of the desired time.

Top Off

  1. Select your work order and tap into the Task details:
  2. From the Task details page, you will be able to edit lot vessels and volumes on the "From" and "To" lots, and check off vessels, by tapping anywhere on the lots.
  3. Top-Off tasks do not have breakdown vessels, but you can include a separate Transfer task (or add a "Lees" lot when creating the work order) in order to transfer and break down remaining wine in the Topping lot. 
  4. Update all lot and vessel volumes, and then return to the Task details screen and tap Complete Task.
  5. If permissions are available, and the task is Complete, you will be able to Submit the task, or entire work order, as of the desired time.


Q. Can I add another topping lot in the app, or remove one of the topped lots?

A. No, InnoVint doesn't support adding or editing lots in InnoApp at this time.

Q. Where is my Breakdown vessel option in the Top-Off task?

A. The Top-Off task doesn't currently allow Breakdown vessels (even on the desktop app).  We recommend adding a separate Transfer task to breakdown a partial vessel, or else add a "lees" lot (select "Combine with Existing Lot" and choose the Topping lot)  via the Desktop app in order to move Topping wine into another vessel.

Q. I don't see open fields to update the volume - how do I update the volume on a vessel?

A. Make sure you have clicked into the Lot details screen.  If you do not have any white highlighted vessel volume fields to update, please check to see if the task is already completed.  You will not be able to update volumes after the task is completed.

Q. How can I unstart or uncomplete a task?

A. Use the "More" menu, found on the Task details screen. You will be able to SKIP a task if it is unstarted, to UNSTART a task if it is started, or to UNCOMPLETE a task, if it is completed.

Q. How can I unsubmit a task?

As in the desktop app, you cannot unsubmit a task. You will not see the More menu on the task details screen, or be able to make any changes after task submission.