Analysis Reports (by Lot Composite, Individual Vessel or Vineyard Block)

These analysis reports are different to the default Winemaking Analysis Reports, and allow you to tailor each report to display specific analytical data for lots, vessels, or vineyard blocks. You can define and save your own reports - using selected filters - to review and reference at any time. As new analysis data is entered into InnoVint, these saved analysis reports will reflect the most up-to-date information to aid in critical decision making and provide an overall view of the status of your wines and vineyard blocks.

This article covers:

Introduction to analysis reports by Lot Composite, Individual Vessel, and Vineyard Block

To access these analysis reports in your account, go to the Report Explorer in the left navigation bar. Scroll to the bottom of the righthand report list to find your three report options: Lot CompositeIndividual Vessel, and Vineyard Blocks.

Under each report type, you will find a list of any previously created and saved reports, or the option to create a new one. These reports are saved to the account and can be accessed and edited by all winery members (i.e. Admins, Team Members, and Read Only capabilities).

Lot Composite

This report displays one lot - juice/wine, case good, and/or fruit lot - per line. InnoVint includes the lot code, lot name, and current fill per lot, and any selected analyses. Only analyses recorded as a lot composite will populate this report.

Individual Vessel

This report displays one vessel per line, and includes the vessel code, lot code, lot name, and current fill along with any selected analyses. Only analyses recorded on individual vessels will populate this report.

Vineyard Blocks

This report displays one vineyard block per line. InnoVint includes the vineyard, block name, and varietal, as well as any selected analyses. Only analyses recorded on the block* will populate this report.
*Block analysis is only available if Advanced Vineyard Tracking is activated in the account. Contact InnoVint Client Success at to enable this feature.

How to create a new analysis report

  1. Go to the Report Explorer in the left navigation bar
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the righthand report list to find Analysis Reports for Lot Composite, Individual Vessel, and Vineyard Blocks.
  3. Click on Create Report at the far right of the desired report type header.
  4. Set your filters in the filters dropdown and click Update Report to view your new report.
  5. Click on Save as new report in the top right of the report page.

    In the pop-up, enter a report name then click Save report.
  6. All done! Your new report will now populate in the Report Explorer to revisit at any time. You can even add it to your favorites by clicking on the star.

Tips for using Analysis Reports

  • Find, edit, save and delete reports within the report screen:
    • Click on the report name (top left corner) to switch to a different saved report within the same report type (Lot Composite, Individual Vessel or Vineyard Block)
    • To save updates made on the current report, click on Save report.
    • To save updates to a new report with a new name, click on Save as new report.
    • Click on Delete report to remove the saved report from the account.
  • The Total at the top left of the report counts the number of items - lots, vessels, or vineyard blocks - currently displayed in the report.
  • How to sort values:
    • Click on Show dates to display the recorded date of analysis values. Click again to hide.
    • Click on any column header to sort by the values in that column. Analysis columns can be sorted by value or analysis date. If viewing 2 or more of the analyses results, the sorting only applies to the most recently recorded data.
  • Click on an item (lot code, vessel code, or vineyard) to open the item Details page in a new tab.
  • Custom analysis reports can be exported to a csv file by clicking on Export.

Available filter & search function

The filters dropdown allows you to select and adjust the current filter selections. Click on Update Report in the bottom corner of the dropdown to refresh the report and view your changes. 

Update Report does not save changes to the report, it merely changes the data displayed on the page - i.e. if you navigate away from the page at this point, the updates will not be saved.

To save changes, make sure to click on Save report or Save as new report in the top right corner of the report.

See below for available filters and search functionality on each report type (Lot Composite, Individual Vessel and Vineyard Block)

Lot Composite Report

Lot code search - a text search by lot code or lot name



    • Lot filters
      These filters apply to the juice/wine, case good, or fruit lot: 
      • Stage - select one or more
      • Vintage - select one or more, includes lots with any component of the selected vintage
      • Tags - select one or more
      • Archived - defaults to hide archived, select to show or show only archived lots
      • Fruit lots - defaults to hide fruit lots, select to include or show only fruit lots
    • Analysis Filters
      These filters apply to the analyses to display in the report:
      • Analyses - select one or more, the order that the analyses are entered will remain consistent in the report
      • Readings - select to display 1, 2, or 3 of the most recent recorded values

Individual Vessels

Vessel code search - text search by vessel code


    • Lot Filters
      These filters apply to the juice/wine lot contained in the vessels - 
      • Lot code - select one lot
      • Stage - select one or more
      • Tags - select one or more
    • Vessel Filters
      These filters apply to the vessels -
      • Vessel Types - select one or more
      • Tags - select one or more
    • Analysis Filters
      These filters apply to the analyses to display in the report -
      • Analysis - select one or more, the order that the analyses are entered will remain consistent in the report
      • Readings - select to display 1, 2, or 3 of the most recent recorded values

Vineyard Blocks 

Find more information on tracking vineyard data here. 

Block name search - text search by vineyard or block name


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    • Vineyard & Block Filters
      These filters apply to the vineyard and block (i.e. the report will display all blocks for the vineyard if the tag applies to the vineyard, and the report will also display individual blocks with the same tag)
      • Tags - select one or more
      • Archived - defaults to hide archived, select to show or show only archived lots
    • Analysis Filters
      These filters apply to the analyses to display in the report -
      • Vintage - select one or more vintage that the analysis has been applied to
      • Analysis - select one or more, the order that the analyses are entered will remain consistent in the report
      • Readings - select to display 1, 2, or 3 of the most recent recorded values