How to manage grower contacts

Within InnoVint's Vineyards feature, you can store important grower information within the platform.

The article covers:

Grower Explorer

* The Grower Explorer is only available with the Advanced Vineyard Tracking feature *

To begin, click on   in the left navigation bar. Then go to the Grower Explorer.

The Grower Explorer lists all the Growers currently in your account. You can easily view the company name, point of contact with phone number and grower address. It will also show you if a grower is designated as an Estate growers and how many total vineyards are managed by that grower.


How to add or edit grower details

* Editing grower details is only available with the Advanced Vineyard Tracking feature *

Click on  in the top right corner of the Grower Explorer. Alternatively, you can add a new grower when creating a new vineyard.

Enter the information and any details for the grower. Select Estate if this is an estate grower. 

To edit grower information: Select the grower from the list in the Grower Explorer. Update the fields in the popup, and click Update Grower.


How to add or change a grower on a vineyard (without Adv. Vineyard Tracking)

Go to the Vineyard Explorer and select a vineyard from the list to go the Vineyard Details page.

Click on the blue pencil in the top right corner of the Details card in the Vineyard Details Dashboard.

Select a new grower from the dropdown or add a new grower by clicking .