07/23/18 - Photo Notes, Note Explorer, Mobile Scan to Apply Tags, and more

The software release on 7/23/18 includes:

New Features:

  • Photo notes - Notes can now include an uploaded photo via the web or mobile app.
  • Notes on Vineyards - Notes can now be added to vineyards and individual blocks within those vineyards

  • Note Explorer: This new report has been added to the (newly-reorganized) Reporting Explorer that allows you to view all notes across all inventory and work orders by date recorded. You can also search for text within notes.

  • Scan vessels to add tags - On the Vessel tab in the mobile app, there's a new link in the upper right corner to "Add Tags". Select a tag to apply to many vessels at once and start scanning the QR codes. Need to apply the owner to a group of barrels that just arrived? Now you can, on the fly, with this feature.

  • New mobile app actions - "Stir" and "Custom Action" are now actions in the mobile app to record on-the-go (outside of a work order) from the 'Record Action' list.


  • Fruit Lots relocated to Vineyard tab - Fruit lots have been moved from the Lot Explorer to the Vineyard tab. Track your fruit and planned picks here, then once it's processed to vessel the juice lot populates as it always has on the Lot Explorer.

  • Receive Fruit design improvement - The Receive Fruit task and action have been improved to help with workflow and ease of use. Weigh groups are now entered on an independent pop-out. You'll experience the improvement when you get into the harvest groove!

  • Tonnage received can be carried through to vessel when processing - There's a new option to apply all the tonnage received as your tank fill when processing weight to tank.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed some iPad display mishaps
  • Recalled some work order notes that were not showing up