The software release on 4/23/18 includes:
New Features:
- Lot labels for vessels - In addition to the QR code labels for vessels, you can now print separate lot-specific labels for each vessel. Learn more about this feature here.

- Browser tab headers - Did you occasionally get lost amongst all your open InnoVint tabs? So did we. We added header labels so we can all stop wasting time hunting down the page we're looking for when we have multiple tabs open.

- Can now add a note to a submitted/recorded action
- Bond was added as a filter to the Lot Inventory at Point in Time export
- "Pull Sample for Analysis" task was re-named to "Pull Sample for ETS"
- Lot Composition sub-tab is now a printable interface
- Lot detail page 'Timeline' sub-tab: Moved Tax Class Changes to it's own color category
- Fully removed <14% and 14-21% tax classes as available tax class options
Bug Fixes
- Bond to Bond Transfer action no longer automatically archives lot when 'archive' box is unchecked
- Owner drop-down on Lot Explorer now populates for those with 'Team Member' permission level. Prior to this fix it only populated for Admins.
- Fixed action filter on the Calendar to show Additions
- 'Receive Fruit' task on the Work Order Explorer, when viewing task names, shows name accurately rather than 'receivefruitaction'