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  3. Harvest Workflow & Fermentation Tracking

Barrel Down

A Barrel Down is a specific type of transfer action that allows you to move all or part of your lot volume into barrels and (if needed) breakdown vessels. Barrel Downs can move volume from one lot into one or more lots, with the option to save or discard lees.

This article covers:

Recording a Barrel Down direct action

1. Select the lot to Barrel Down from

2. Select one or more vessels to Barrel Down from and change the 'removed' volume if needed

3. Choose a lot to Barrel Down to. Click on   to barrel down into multiple lots.

4. Choose one or more vessels to Barrel Down to and fill in the volume to add or the ending fill. Note: There is no restriction on the type(s) of vessels you can choose. You can "Barrel Down" into stainless steel drums, kegs, tanks, etc.

5. Select whether to save lees to a different lot.


Schedule a Barrel Down task in a work order

1. Select one lot to Barrel Down

2. Select one or more vessels to Barrel Down from and change the gallons 'removed' if needed

3. Choose or create a lot to Barrel Down to

4. Choose whether to let cellar staff choose vessels or choose specific vessels. If you choose specific vessels, fill in the volume to add or the ending fill. Note: There is no restriction on the type(s) of vessels you or the cellar staff can choose. You can "Barrel Down" into stainless steel drums, kegs, tanks, etc.

5. Select whether to save lees to a different lot.