How to Record a Rack

The Rack action can be performed:

  • as a direct action on a lot
  • as a task within a work order 
  • as a work order in InnApp 

Rack from:

1. Select your lot from the dropdown or lot picker

  • Either a portion of the lot or the entire lot can be racked in one movement 

2. Select one or move vessels to remove volume from

3. InnoVint defaults to remove the entire contents of each vessel. If you need to remove a partial volume from a vessel, adjust the value in the "Ending Fill" column. InnoVint will calculate the removed volume for each vessel

Rack to:

4. Select a lot to rack into

  • Retain lot code - to keep the volume in the same lot, but rack to new vessels
  • Combine with existing lot - to move the volume into another lot that already exists (this creates a new blend)
  • Create a new lot - to move the volume into a new, separate lot

5.  Select one or more vessels to rack the volume into.

  • As part of the Rack task, you can pre-select the receiving vessels, or you can have the cellar staff select the vessels on the floor.
  • Pre-selected vessels can be edited and removed, or you can add more vessels if needed. 
  • Adjust the "Ending Fill" column as needed. You can also use dip charts to find the ending gallonage. InnoVint will calculate the added volume automatically.

6. To rack volume into multiple lots, click on + Add Lot under the "Rack to" header.

7. Select to save the lees to a different lot or not.

8. You can choose to Backdate the racking action, if desired, to a specific date and time. 


The Rack and Transfer functions perform the same task and allow for the same movements, the only major difference being what terminology you are most comfortable with.

Both functions allow movements of lots from one origin to one or multiple destinations, with the option to move the lot from some or all of the original vessels. There also exists the option to maintain the lot code, combine with an existing lot, or create and new lot code, as well as to save or discard lees.