03/01/17: QR Code Vessel Tracking

QR Code Vessel Tracking

Vessel labels can now be printed directly from InnoVint. The labels display the vessel code, a set of attributes, and a QR code that can be scanned using your mobile device's camera and the InnoVint App. This is a quick and easy way to quickly pull up a vessel, view it's contents, analytics and activity history, record actions, or select the vessel within a work order.

Learn more about QR code vessel tracking in our Online Help Center's QR code scanning section.

REMINDER: Activate Dry Goods Tracking & Advanced Additions today

If you are interested in InnoVint's Dry Goods Tracking and Addition features, please reach out to us at support@innovint.us. Details on the feature can be referenced here in our Online Help Center. 

Bulk Edit menu has new name and location

The "Bulk Edit" button has moved to a larger "Manage Vessels" and "Manage Lots" button on the Vessel and Lot Explorers. These menus allow you to edit, tag, archive or delete multiple inventory items at once.