How to Record Filtration (the Filter Action)

Any time you are running your wine through filtration and want to track this activity, use the Filter action or task.

This article covers:

Find out how to record a filter task in InnoApp here.

How to use the Filter action or task

  1. Record a note with any additional details you want to capture about the filtration (instructions, filter type, quantity, vendor, etc).  
  2. In the "Filter From" section, select the lot and vessel that you are filtering. Record the Ending Fill volume to reflect the volume being filtered.
    1. When creating a Work Order task, you will also request the final ending volume in the drained vessel(s).
  3. In the "Filter To" section, select the destination vessel and enter the final volume after the filtration.
    1. When creating a Work Order task, you will either request the final ending volume in the receiving vessel(s), or else allow the cellar staff to choose vessels. 
  4. You have the choice to save any lees to a different lot. You can select an existing lot or create a new lot for the saved lees. Then, choose a vessel and record the volume of lees saved.
    1. When creating a Work Order task, you have the same option to discard lees, or to save the lees to a different lot. If you choose to save the lees to a different lot, you can select an existing lot or create a new lot for the saved lees. Then, you will either request the final ending volume in the specified receiving vessel(s), or else allow the cellar staff to choose vessels.  
  5. Both actions and tasks will allow you to change the lot stage via the submission of the filtration.
  6. Double-check the summary to make sure everything is accurate before recording the Filter action, or submitting the Filter task in a work order.

Please see below about adding a "Treatment" field to reference a set list of filtration options used by your winery.



Filter Treatment options

For our users who utilize multiple different types of filtration and desire to easily track them, including specific filtration-type losses, please contact to activate Filtration Treatments.

This function adds a new field to Filter actions and tasks, called "Treatment". This treatment list is specific to a winery, and should be requested when activating the feature. 

This list can be as specific or general as you like: i.e. different pad types, different pore sizes, different filtration types, or external filtration services.

Complementing this new field is its inclusion in the Winery Activity Feed (column E), and the automatic calculation of loss percentage within the Winery Activity Feed,  found in column T (Volume Change %). Correlate these fields to assess filtration efficiencies in your winery!

Using Reverse Osmosis? Find our recommended workflow here